Selected Works


Director. Misha “Limelight."

Co-Director/ Producer. Segura Viudas "Auld Lang Syne"

Producer. Glen Hansard "Winning Streak."

Producer. Tiffany & Co. "New Ways of Seeing" VR Film with Jerry Saltz  *Scroll for 360

Producer. "DUMBO Darkly" AR Ghost Tour

Director / Producer. Misha "Optical Illusion of the Heart."

Producer. “Bindle Bros.”

Producer. Gucci "Burnt Dreams" VR Film  *Scroll for 360 

Co-Director/ Producer. LearnVest "Complicated"

Director/ Producer. "Man With A Van" Web Series

Director/ Producer. "Social Studies" Short Film

Producer. Land Rover + Travel Channel "Expedition Unknown” VR Film with Josh Gates *Scroll for 360

Co-Director/ Producer. The New York Times "The Fed Machine"

Producer. Nordstrom In-Store AR app

Copyright 2019 Ryan Decker